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Physical Therapy Recovery & Performance


Dr. Sarah Bishop​

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy

  • Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist

Regeneration & Recovery

  • Regenerative Dry Needling

  • Systemic Cupping


  • Mobility Tune-up

  • Sports Massage

  • Manual Therapy​​

Sports Performance Assessments

  • Movement Analysis

  • Mobility Screen

  • Return to Play Testing

  • Running & Gait Analysis

  • Injury Prevention Screen


Regeneration & Recovery and Sports Performance Assessments require an initial evaluation prior to any services being performed. 

The additional physical therapy offerings at THE ARMORY will be a one-on-one treatment for an athlete or active person including teenagers who are looking for a tune up or specific instruction on how to improve mobility, running form, throwing form, injury prevention etc…

These individuals do not need to have a current injury they are working through; however, they are looking for ways to improve overall performance. These sessions are tailored to the individual based on their needs in the evaluation portion of the session. These sessions will be 60 minutes with Sarah, our Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist.

Sarah will complete her fellowship in orthopedic manual physical therapy in December 2024. This is the pinnacle of training in the physical therapy profession. She is a certified manual therapist who has had experience working with a variety of professional athletes, Olympic athletes, and military populations including the Special Operations Forces and the U.S Army Parachute Team. 

Recovery Session Pricing

SHIELD Members


ARMORY Standard & Pro Fitness




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